Who we are...
MTW was established in 2010 to offer scholars, students and upcoming professionals a platform that provides them with practical training in the field of musical theatre. We offer a safe, professional theatre environment that is stimulating, educational and entertaining, where young people can surround themselves with all things musical theatre.
The Musical Theatre Workshop is for everyone, even those who simply want something exciting to do during the holidays. It is an opportunity to meet other young people who share the same passion and interest for the world of the Arts. Taking part in these workshops also has valuable by-products in that it offers students the chance to build on their confidence, understand body language and further their communication skills, whilst at the same time becoming a little more expressive, perhaps even finding their true potential!
For those who are interested in embarking on a career in musical theatre, MTW creates a foundation to help them on their way, with up to date practical training in all facets of musical theatre, including vocal training, repertoire, dance classes, acting, audition preparation, & improvisation.
Together, Duane Alexander and Anton Luitingh have over 16 Professional productions under their belts, both as performers and as directors/choreographers: CATS, RENT, BEAUTY & THE BEAST, CHICAGO, JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR, JERSEY BOYS, THE SOUND OF MUSIC and more recently, SINGIN' IN THE RAIN among many others
At MTW you get professional up-to-date vocal coaching, dance training, and acting classes with top industry professionals, to suit all levels of training. These 3 elements make up the key components of what it takes to become a ‘Triple Threat’ performer - a much sought after commodity in the professional Musical Theatre industry! Our aim is to introduce you to these disciplines in a safe and creative environment, or if you're more advanced, to help you take the next step in your training and guiding you towards understanding what is ultimately required to succeed in Musical Theatre. You will learn things about yourself and your craft that will hopefully be invaluable on your road to reaching your dreams.
Your week at MTW is jam packed full of all things Musical Theatre from warm-ups, ice-breakers, games, classes, singing, note-bashing, to learning harmonies, choreography, character work, staging and top notch advice and practical masterclasses with top industry guests. At the end of a pretty intense but thorougly entertaining week, we encourage you to invite 2 guests to come and take a peek at what you've been up to at our mini showcase where we put it all together! We pretty sure you'll walk away from it all completely stimulated, inspired and challenged.
MTW is deeply invested in this industry that we have both been a part of for over 16 years. As performers, directors and choreographers we see the need for current ‘Triple Threat’ training in our young performers who are the future of Muscial Theatre in this country. We want to see them succeed at being part of a remarkable pool of talent that South Africa has to offer. Talent that holds it own against international standards of performance.
We have both had the privilege of performing in some of the most amazing and successful productions on both our South African stages and on stages across the world. We have worked with phenomenal directors, musical directors, vocal coaches, choreographers and producers globally, including New York, London and Australia!
We feel it is our responsibility to share this knowledge and information with the upcoming generations of performers here in SA and to help our young but prospering Musical Theatre industry grow from strength to strength! As performers we know what challenges all aspiring singers/dancers/actors face on a daily basis, so our aim is also to give them the tools with which to deal with the trickier aspects of the industry such as auditions, stage anxiety and nerves, working with international creative teams, dealing with agents, producers and the media, rehearsal processes, opening nights, theatre etiquette, and the general expectations of being in ‘the biz’. We have no doubt that what we offer is helpful and valuable and if it can help even one person realize their full potential, then it is well worth the effort!